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Anxiety Series: #2 Philippians 4:6,7 - Part 2

As we step into Philippians 4:6,7 I want to point out the beauty in these verses is that this is in EVERY situation, and that FULLY means EVERY situation. Let's get a new look at these verses.

6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (NKJV) (v.7 NKJV)

Can I get an amen yet?

So I am not going to break down Philippians 4:6, what I am going to do is point out key points and then move on to v.7, are you with me?

  • God doesn't leave you in this verse. The phrase "Be anxious for nothing" isn't the end, it's the beginning.

  • Prayer seems SO simple and yet honestly what is your prayer life like? I'm talking deep down conversational and honest communication with God through prayer. The type of prayer you get done with and need someone to high five your way out of (I may or may not high-five-myself-no-friends -above my head clap, it's a clap but I call it a high five.). I have been working on this and still catch myself with whole days where I'm struggling to remember to pray ONCE. I have nothing to hide here, I know this is a weakness of mine.

  • Prayer needs to go past asking, to a conversation where we are laying all our laundry out to God, and seeking that forgiveness through Christ, and thanking God (yeah that's in that verse too). KNOWING that this is what we are asked to do as God commits to his promises to us.

  • Supplication much? Am I like the ONLY Christian that doesn't know what supplication is, and yet I keep looking it up? UGH, I have it, and then go away for a bit and come back to this stranger that is supplication.

  • Supplication - "Although it is a noun, supplication comes from the Latin verb supplicare, which means "to plead humbly." While a supplication is often thought of as a religious prayer (it is used 60 times in the Bible), it can logically be applied to any situation in which you must entreat someone in power for help or a favor.", now before you get too impressed I had to look that up at

Whew, just SUMMARIZING v.6 is a lot. Let's move on to v.7 shall we?

  • Let's unpack "peace" for a minute, anyone wanna guess what eiréné (greek) translates to in Hebrew?? I'm gonna put a less than dramatic pause right here to give a shout out to my theological mentor Ben S. right now because it was him that GUESSED this and prompted the look up. It's shalom. Feel like you were just let down? A greeting from the Old Testiment? Really? I was there, I knew it was a good word and used a lot, but in reality it is more and it's meaning is DEEP.

  • This word Shalom/salam/salem/shalam is to be safe, sound, healthy, perfect, complete (1 Kings 78:51, New 6:18). It signifies a sense of well-being and harmony BOTH within and without. Anyone here need any of that in their life? In medicine (my background) we talk about the fact that our body is constantly seeking homeostasis or balance. I always laugh when science just backs what God has created. To go on Shalom also is completeness, wholeness, peace, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord, a state of calm without anxiety or stress.

  • Take a second now to just think on what systemic, or peace that comes not only as an emotional calm but something that effects your WHOLE BODY. All that imbalance to your cardiovascular system, your muscles (as a clinical massage therapist I'm telling you there is but a couple people out of a hundred that don't feel THAT effect), etc. that comes as a result of anxiety, no more. Shalom is balance, peace that is felt by every part of who you are physically and spiritually. THAT is what we are talking about and yet few don't understand the value enough to claim and seek shalom in their life.

  • I just have to say that after living a life where anxiety got a lot more time than it does now, shalom is a GORGEOUS word and I welcome that peace from God thankfully, prayerfully, and with open arms, want that too?? This is from God, this isn't some motivational speaker promising things that can't be obtained. As a Christian, as a believer, as a Child of the one true God THIS IS YOURS.

It's hard to move past shalom, but the rest of this is just as amazing because when you look at the translation the NIV provides it gives this picture that provides you with even more, well, SHALOM

  • Now look at the NIV version of V.7, picture your mind/core of who you are as a command center with God guarding that. When we have a military command center, we have guards posted, card key entrances, you aren’t getting in without clearances and the ability to get through all the layers of security. Yes God has the core of who you are protected better than anything we humans can dream up. Not even satan himself can access or hack what God has in place. Why then do we leave the door propped open? I have to remind, and yell to myself like a child going outside to shut that door.

  • Anxiety sucks but this powerhouse in Philippians is saying GOD is BIGGER than all of that, He has you. you DO NOT NEED to be anxious, and as you pray, as you come to him in thankfulness, supplication and you make those requests known, God will guard your heart. For real, you aren’t going to get security that high here on earth.

Whew, are you still with me? How is this sitting with you? Have you taken time to just sit and think about what God is saying here, in awe to the fact you are NEVER alone and have this level of support? I would love to hear your thoughts on this below in the comments.

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